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Regex to match a list of alphanumeric ids of a JSON fragment inside HTML

I'm trying to compose a regular expression to match the following situation:

In a Node.js project I have a multiline string that contains a big HTML code mixed with some JS with this structure:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      ... more code ...
      "bookIds" : [
      ... more code, and in another json:
      "bookIds" : [
      ... more code ...

My goal is to get the first list of bookIds:


So, as you can see, the conditions that I'm working with, for now, are:

  • Search the first "bookIds" : [ appearance and stop at the next ]

I got something like that with: /bookIds" : \\[([\\S\\s]*?)\\]/ . Yeah, conceptually I though about finding the first string bookIds , start after the first [ after that, and stop before the next ] , but I don't know how to do it. I'm now getting documented about lookahead & lookbehinds.

  • Now I need to search (or loop) inside that match and get what's inside quotes (I know how could I do that individually: /"(.*?)"/ )

But unfortunately I've been hours googling and trying and I'm not getting it to work (neither in my Node project nor the tests I'm trying in regex101.com )

Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

You can use "bookIds"\\s*:\\s*\\[([^\\]]+?)] Demo

 let str = `<html> <head> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> "bookIds" : [ "abc123", "qwe456", "asd789" ], "bookIds" : [ "foo111", "bar222", "baz333" ], <\\/script> <\\/body> <\\/html>` let op = str.match(/"bookIds"\\s*:\\s*\\[([^\\]]+?)]/m) console.log(op[1].replace(/[\\s"]+/g,'')) 

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