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How to prevent Parent class-variable changes to be adopted by Child class

I was wondering whether it is possible to prevent changes to a Parent class-variable to be adopted by a Child class that inherits from the Parent class.

I would have something like:

class Parent(object):
    foo = 'bar'

class Child(Parent):

Overwriting Parent.foo will also cause Child.foo to change:

>>> Parent.foo = 'rab'
>>> print Parent.foo
>>> print Child.foo

Is there a way to prevent this or should I not be wanting this?


Reading @quamrana 's answer, I realised this could be prevented using a metaclass:

class Meta(type):
    def __new__(cls, new, bases, dct):
        dct['foo'] = 'bar'
        return super(Meta, cls).__new__(cls, new, bases, dct)

class Parent(object):
    __metaclass__ = Meta

class Child(Parent):
>>> Parent.foo = 'rab'
>>> print Parent.foo
>>> print Child.foo

This behaviour occurs since foo is the same variable in both classes.

This is analogous to a global variable in a module and being able to see that two different functions in that module can both see and change that global.

A possible fix is this:

class Parent(object):
    foo = 'bar'

class Child(Parent):
    foo = Parent.foo

Parent.foo = 'zoo'



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