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Split String in two Kotlin

I have one string that if have more than 35 characters have to been split in another string. Something like that var string1 = "1...38" into var result1= "1...35 " and var result2 = "36...38" . I thinking in using a split but i don't know if is the best option.

chunked(size: Int) will give you back your string split into a list:

"Hello There! This is a really long string that I want split".chunked(10)


["Hello Ther", "e! This is", "a really" , "long strin", "g that I w", "ant split"]

You should rather use

drop and droplast (returns a String)

val chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijkl"
val result1 = chars.dropLast(3) // returns abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi
val result2 = chars.drop(35) // returns jkl

or chunked (returns a list of strings)

chars.chunked(35)) // returns [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghi, jkl]

that depends on your context

This extension will give you a pair of the limited string associated to the rest:

fun String.limit(max: Int): Pair<String, String> =
    if (length > max) {
        take(max) to takeLast(length - max)
    } else this to ""

Some examples:

val string1 = "onqweinalsdmuizqbwnöfasdkdasqwrwfeqewwqeweqewf" //more than 35
val string2 = "onqweinalsdmuizqbwnöfasdkdasqwrwfeq" //exactly 35
val string3= "asdqwe" //less than 35

println(string1.limit(35))    // -> (onqweinalsdmuizqbwnöfasdkdasqwrwfeq, ewwqeweqewf)
println(string2.limit(35))    // -> (onqweinalsdmuizqbwnöfasdkdasqwrwfeq, )
println(string3.limit(35))    // -> (asdqwe, )

Chunked method is what you need. Check this doc ->


chunked is definitely ok if chunking into more then 2 pieces is ok for you too. But if you rather meant splitting it up into at most 2 pieces with the first being of a certain length and the second part only containing the remainder, you may want to use something like the following instead (similar to s1m0nw1s answer , but) using take and substring :

fun String.splitAtIndex(index : Int) = take(index) to substring(index)

Or if you want to play it safe, you can also add some convenience checks:

fun String.splitAtIndex(index: Int) = when {
  index < 0 -> 0
  index > length -> length
  else -> index
}.let {
  take(it) to substring(it)

or if you like exceptions more:

fun String.splitAtIndex(index: Int) = require(index in 0..length).let {
  take(index) to substring(index)

All of those functions return you a Pair<String, String> , which you can handle as follows:

"someString".splitAtIndex(5).also { (atMost5Chars, remainder) ->
   println("$atMost5Chars | remainder: $remainder")
"someOther".splitAtIndex(4).also { 
   (first) -> println(first) // discard the remainder... but then again you could have used also just take(4)

As you wrote that you thought of using split and if you have an appropriate delimiter at hand you may also want to use the following instead:

yourInputString.split(yourDelimiter, limit = 2)

This will split yourInputString into two pieces where the first piece is all the string up to the first occurrence of yourDelimiter . Example:

val yourInputString = "this is a string with a delimiter | and some more information that is not necessary | with some more delimiters | | |"
yourInputString.split('|', limit = 2).also {
  (uptoFirstDelimiter, remainder) -> println("$uptoFirstDelimiter --- remainder: $remainder")

which will print:

this is a string with a delimiter  --- remainder:  and some more information that is not necessary | with some more delimiters | | |

I came across similar scenario in card payment where expiry month/year is needed to split for api and pass separate params to.network repository and this is how it done. The Solution: var expiryMonth:String="12/2034" expiryMonth.split("/").also { (uptoFirstDelimiter, remainder) -> println("$uptoFirstDelimiter --- remainder: $remainder") }

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