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How do I remove escape character (\) from a list in python?

I want to remove the extra '\\' from a list of strings in python.

For example, if my list is this:

cmd = ['a', 'b', '{word}\\\\*', 'd']

it should be this:

cmd = ['a', 'b', '{word}\\\*', 'd']  # I need this exact result

If I iterate through this list while printing each string separately, I am able to get the string "{word}\\*".

Meanwhile, when printing this as a whole list, it's showing up as:

['a', 'b', '{word}\\\\*', 'd']


import re
cmd = ['a', 'b', '{word}\\\\*', 'd']
for i in cmd:
    print("val : ", i)
print("whole list : ", cmd)


C:\Users\Elcot>python test.py
val :  a
val :  b
val :  {word}\\*
val :  d
whole list :  ['a', 'b', '{word}\\\\*', 'd']

Expected Result:

whole list :  ['a', 'b', '{word}\\*', 'd']

I believe you're looking for str.rstrip() which removes the last instance of the character and returns a copy of the resulting string


So looping through your list of strings one-by-one

for i in range(len(cmd)):
    cmd[i] = cmd[i].rstrip('\\')

Should remove the last '\\' character from each of your strings in your list of strings.


cmd = [bytes(s, 'utf-8').decode('unicode_escape') for s in cmd]

If you really are dealing with an assignment statement, you should know about raw strings in Python. A raw string literal uses the r prefix like this:

rstr = r"raw string"
regex = r"\(.*\)"

The purpose of raw strings is to reduce the amount of escaping needed when using backslash characters; it is intended for use with other processing engines (like Windows paths, or regular expressions) where the processing engine is going to do its own backslash-handling. There are many fewer escape sequences in raw strings.

Your example of 'word\\\\\\\\*' would normally be converted to word\\\\* by the string backslash-escape mechanism. If you want a string with exactly three backslashes, however, you could say r'word\\\\\\*' .

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