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How to create a thread inside a class?

class MyClass
        friend void function(MyClass& mc)
            std::cout << "Friend function from thread" << std::endl;
        void init()
            thr = std::thread(function, this);

        std::thread thr;


  int main()
    std::cout << "This is main function" << std::endl;
    MyClass nc;

    return 0;

Error C2065 'function': undeclared identifier

How to create thread inside a class not using any static function?

I do not know why the lookup of your friend function does not work in this context, maybe someone else knows.
But the fastest way to archive what you want is either a lamdba or declare your function.

class MyClass;
void function(MyClass& mc);
class MyClass
    friend void function(MyClass& mc)
    void init()
        // either do this
        thr = std::thread([this](){function(*this);});
        // or this note the std::ref. You are passing a reference. Otherwise there will be a copy
        thr = std::thread(&function, std::ref(*this));

    std::thread thr;


Well @mkaes beat me to the answer, but I had slightly modified your function() to accept a pointer to the class and not a reference.

  • You cannot access a friend function inside a class like you can access other member functions.

    1. The problem was that your friend function had no global declaration even though, you were declaring it as a friend function in the class.
    2. So we define the function outside the class and leave a friend declaration inside.
    3. Now since the function() doesn't know about the class MyClass , we have to forward declare the MyClass class also.


#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class MyClass;

void function(MyClass* mc)
    std::cout << "Friend function from thread" << std::endl;

class MyClass
    void init()
       thr = std::thread(function, this);
        // function(this);
    friend void function(MyClass* mc);
    std::thread thr;


int main()
    std::cout << "This is main function" << std::endl;
    MyClass nc;

    return 0;


This is main function
Friend function from thread


As per the discussion in the comments, my first code posted here had the problem that you could not call a member function or access a member variable inside the friend function() , since the class was defined afterwards. To address that here is the alternative below. But anyways, @mkaes has already answered it in this way from the beginning.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>

class MyClass;
void function(MyClass* mc);

class MyClass
    void init()
       thr = std::thread(function, this);
        // function(this);
    friend void function(MyClass* mc)
        std::cout << "Friend function from thread" << std::endl;
    int test(){}
    std::thread thr;


int main()
    std::cout << "This is main function" << std::endl;
    MyClass nc;

    return 0;

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