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Convert List Combo into Comma-Separated String in c#

My code is as below:

List<string> colorList = new List<string>();


sCombo = reader["Combo"].ToString();


foreach (var Combo in colorList)
   Response.Write(string.Join(",", Combo));

Output: D410D430D440D420 instead of D410,D430,D440,D420

What is the most simple way to convert the List<string> into a comma-separated string?

EDIT #01

Your suggestion working, but I need this new output :


Because use this string on sql query.

Thank you

I think this would be very handy

var colorList = new List<string>() { "D410", "D430", "D440", "D420" };
string commaSeparated = string.Join(",", colorList);                      

or try solution based on Linq

Console.WriteLine(colorList.Select(s => s + ",").Aggregate((s, q) => s + q).TrimEnd(','));

The output



string result = string.Join(",", colorList.Select(e => "'" + e + "'"));

will give you



Response.Write(string.Join(",", colorList));

You need to output like this => 'D410','D430','D440','D420'

So try below,

string result = string.Join(",", colorList.Select(x => $"'{x}'"));

What we did above?

Answer: First we flatten each item in your list with a single quoted ( '' ) surrounding string and then we just pass this newly generated flatten result to join method of string with a comma ( , ) to get your desired output.

Output: (From Debugger)


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