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php script to execute commands on Cisco router

I need to write a script to connect to a Cisco router and execute commands. The linux server and the Cisco router use ssh keys so no username/password are required. I have worked out how to make the connection, but I don't know how to issue the commands and read the responses.

Note: It has to be in php to integrate with some other stuff we have going on.

Here is what I have so far :-


$connection = ssh2_connect("n.n.n.n", 22, array("hostkey"=>"ssh-rsa"));

  die("Could not connect to the Router \n\r");

if (ssh2_auth_none ($connection, "username"))
  echo("Public Key Authentication Successful\n\r");
  die("Public Key Authentication Failed");

// New commands based on help received
  $command = "dir";
  $stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $command);

  // added to test if the ssh2_exec command returns false - which it does, issue is with the command ???
    echo("Command returned False\n\r");

  $errorStream = ssh2_fetch_stream($stream, SSH2_STREAM_STDERR);
  stream_set_blocking($errorStream, true);
  stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
  $errorStreamContent = stream_get_contents($errorStream);
  $streamContent = stream_get_contents($stream);
  echo("ErrorStream : " . $errorStreamContent . "\n" . "Stream : " . 
  $streamContent . "\n\r");

catch(exception $e)
  echo("Error : " . $e);


Output is now as follows :-

Public Key Authentication Successful
Command returned False

Can anyone give me the correct way to issue commands and read any result ? Thanks.

I managed to fix this by using ssh2_auth_pubkey_file to pass the ssh keys to the router and authenticate. After that it works fine.

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