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Concatenation problem in Dynamic sql query

I'm trying to concatenate the string with multiple variables and go for exec. Unfortunately I'm facing the conversion problem as:

Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Select @ExistingIds= CBSE_IX_J from ##tempPivot where EmployeeID=' to data type int.

My query is :

SET @ExecColumn = concat('Select @ExistingIds= '+@TSectionName +' from ##tempPivot where EmployeeID='+CAST(@TUserID as INT),'')
PRINT @ExecColumn
EXEC (@ExecColumn)

The "simple" answer is don't concatenate raw string values into your dynamic statement, and parametrise your code. This is a bit of guesswork, however, is far safer than the SQL Injection hole you have right now:

DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX);
SET @SQL = N'SELECT @ExistingIDs = ' + QUOTENAME(@TSectionName) + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10)+
           N'FROM ##tempPivot' + NCHAR(13) + NCHAR(10) +
           N'WHERE EmployeeID = @TUserID;';
EXEC sp_executesql @SQL,
                   N'@TUserID int, @ExistingIds int OUTPUT', --guessed datatypes and that @ExistingIds is an OUTPUT
                   @TUserID = @TUserID,
                   @ExistingIds = ExistingIds OUTPUT;

Note: the fact that your variable is called @ExistingIDs implies you want to store multiple values in that variable. @ExistingIDs is a scalar value, it will only hold a scalar (single) value. If the query above returns multiple rows, only the value of from the last row will be returned. For example:

DECLARE @i int;
FROM (VALUES(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9))V(I)

Notice that @i has the value 9 , not '1,2,3,...,9' .

You would seem to want:

DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(MAX);

SELECT @ExistingIDs = STRING_AGG(@TSectionName, '''')
FROM ##tempPivot
WHERE EmployeeID = @TUserID

-- Cannot have identifiers as parameters, so use `REPLACE()`
SET @SQL = REPLACE(@SQL, '@TSectionName', QUOTENAME(@TSectionName);

EXEC sp_executesql @SQL,
                   N'@TUserID int, @ExistingIds NVARCHAR(MAX) OUTPUT', --guessed datatypes and that @ExistingIds is an OUTPUT
                   @ExistingIds=@ExistingIds OUTPUT;

In older versions of SQL Server, you need another approach for concatenating strings. For instance

SELECT @ExistingIDs = (SELECT @TSectionName
                       FROM ##tempPivot
                       WHERE EmployeeID = @TUserID
                       FOR XML PATH ('')

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