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How to interpret or calculate a value from a user input in C#?

I have to develop a Web application for a payroll system. I would like use C# and SQL server for the development. This payroll system has to calculate different formulas, which are defined by the users.

For example, the users will type in a input the text below and it will be saved in the BDD.

if salary > 4000 then calculateRate

In knowing that "salary" can be a method that calculates the salary on several months and "calculateRate" is a method too.

We can have some formulas more complicated like :

if salary > 5000 
then calculateRate + variable 
else if salary > 10 000
then {
calculateRate + variable + bonus


  1. Salary = method
  2. calculateRate = method and "variable" is a variable pay that we have to search in the database
  3. bonus = a variable pay that we have to search in the database

or in the formulas the user can go to take a value in the BDD in typing :

if db.user_table.salary > 500
then calculateRate 
else if ....

I have some big questions about this developement : - how I can achieve it ? - does C# is the best solution ? or I have to use NodeJS for exemple - how to interpret in C# what the user will type

I need a performance solution because we will have many calculations to do.

  • how I can achieve it ?

This means that you're asking us how to create this program. Just the phrase: "This payroll system have to calculate differents formulas and these formulas are defined by the users. " tells me that your task is nearly impossible.

  • does C# is the best solution ?

I don't know. But I can tell you that C# is not the only solution

  • or I have to use NodeJS for exemple

Same answer. You need to obtain more specific instructions for what your program must do.

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