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What is the difference between just declaring array of object and actually creating instance of it?

Why does first statement output "nothing1" and the second statement doesn't? If I am not wrong, then newly created array of object in statement second has default reference null.

class Solution
    public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
        Animal temp1[]=null;//statement first;
        Animal temp2[]=new Animal[5];//statement second;
class Animal
    int name;
    int action;
    public Animal(int name, int action) {
        this.name = name;
        this.action = action;

The first statement

Animal temp1[]=null;

declares an array variable and initializes it to null. Therefore "nothing1" is printed.

The second statement

Animal temp2[]=new Animal[5];

declares an array variable and initializes it to an array of length 5. The elements of this array (such as temp2[0] ) are initially all null , but the array reference itself ( temp2 ) is not null. Therefore "nothing2" is not printed.


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