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Read comma separated text file into HashMap where file has same key in multiple lines Java

I m trying to read the date as key from a comma separated file and MeterID(Which is the first item in the file) as the value. But my problem is, the file has the same date in multiple lines and when I m trying to read the file into a hashmap, I m getting extra null value with every key.

Data in the file is as follow

 1182801,,,16/04/2018,12:00:00AM,1578.000,0.000,,,1065.586,512.603,0.074,0.000,225.000,199.000,27.000,14.000,,,, 1182802,,,17/04/2018,12:00:00AM,2059.000,0.000,,,716.310,1343.338,0.074,0.000,58.000,85.000,63.000,78.000,,,,
 1182803,,,18/04/2018,12:00:00AM,1824.000,0.000,,,755.363,1069.038,0.074,0.000,234.000,289.000,65.000,73.000,,,, 1182804,,,18/04/2018,12:00:00AM,1824.000,0.000,,,755.363,1069.038,0.074,0.000,234.000,289.000,65.000,73.000,,,,

See below code to read data from the file into a hashmap

String filePath = "electric-enhanced_0000_201804130555.txt";
    String delimiter = ",";
    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();

    try (Stream<String> lines = Files.lines(Paths.get(filePath)).skip(1)) {
        lines.filter(line -> line.contains(delimiter)).forEach(line -> map.put(line.split(delimiter)[3],
                line.split(delimiter)[0] + "," + map.get(line.split(delimiter)[3])));


Excepted result is

{15/04/2018=1182800, 14/04/2018=1182799, 17/04/2018=1182802, 18/04/2018=1182804,1182803, 16/04/2018=1182801, 13/04/2018=1182798}

Actual result is - null is coming with every key which i want to exclude

{15/04/2018=1182800,null, 14/04/2018=1182799,null, 17/04/2018=1182802,null, 18/04/2018=1182804,1182803,null, 16/04/2018=1182801,null, 13/04/2018=1182798,null}

It should be enough to write:

lines.stream().filter(line -> line.contains(delimiter)).forEach(line -> map.put(line.split(delimiter)[3],

You may also want to replace your HashMap with for example org.apache.commons.collections.map.MultiValueMap which will let you store multiple values under the same key.


Map<String, String> map = new MultiValueMap();

I added one line to your test data and now date 18/04/2018 appears twice, and output is as {15/04/2018=[1182800], 14/04/2018=[1182799], 18/04/2018=[1182803, 1182804] , 16/04/2018=[1182801], 13/04/2018=[1182798]}

I think you just need to add a check for null value. Here is the snippet

                    line.split(delimiter)[0] + "," + map.get(line.split(delimiter)[3])));

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