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How to convert an IP string to an array of integers in java?

I'm trying to make an array of integers from an IP string in java. For example:

String ip = "";
int[] ipArray = new int[4];
int[0] = 192; int[1] = 168; int[2] = 0; int[3] = 1;

any idea how can I do this?

I know the parseInt tool, but how can I work with the "." ?

Sorry the noob question, I'm still a beginner.

Split your string by . sign. Solution using Java 8 Streams :

int[] ipArray = Arrays.stream(ip.split("\\."))


Integer::parseInt might be better here as it returns primitive int instead of Integer like Integer::valueOf does. So to avoid unnecessary unboxing :

int[] ipArray = Arrays.stream(ip.split("\\."))

You can use the String.split() method.

For example:

String str = "";
String[] strSplit = str.split("\\.");
int[] intArray = new int[strSplit.length];
for(int i=0; i<intArray.length; i++){
    intArray[i] = Integer.parseInt(strSplit[i]);

The reason for \\\\. is because . is a special character in Java Regex Engine . Otherwise if the string was split with brackets, then str.split("-") would be sufficient.

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