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Query values from each json in a json array on postgresql

Each record in my database has a json list, from which I'm trying to return a value inside each element.

I'm trying to return

environmental services, energy & utilities


    "key": "environmental services"
    "key": "energy & utilities"




    "key": "construction"

Where the length of each json list in each record is undetermined.

I can get the first value with:

  column_name -> 0 -> 'key'
from table

But how to get all.

How can I do this in postgresql?

Use the function jsonb_array_elements() in a lateral join to get all elements of the arrays and the aggregate function string_agg() :

with my_table(json_col) as (
    "key": "environmental services"
    "key": "energy & utilities"
    "key": "construction"

select string_agg(value->>'key', ', ')
from my_table
cross join jsonb_array_elements(json_col)
group by json_col       -- use PK here (if exists)

 environmental services, energy & utilities
(2 rows)

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