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Get Keys and Value pair after removing an element from the key's list in a Map<List<String>, IInterface>

In my use case, there is an interface IInterface and a map of List as keys and IInterface as values.

public interface IInterface{

public MyClass{
    Map<List<Integer>, IInterface> interfaceByStringList;
        interfaceByStringList = new HashMap<List<Integer>,IInterface>();

    //Method to remove one element from key list
    public Map<List<Integer>, IInterface> myMethod(IntegerelementToRemove){

In the above scenario, I have to remove "elementToRemove" from list of keys where it is present in the keySet() of the Map. Then I have to return the updated Map.

For eg Map's KeySet is like this:

and corresponding values: 
{IInterface1, IInterface2,IInterface3,IInterface4]

Suppose if I want to remove 4 then my updated map to return: Updated Map KeySet:

and corresponding values: 
{IInterface1, IInterface2,IInterface3,IInterface4]

Take it:

     .removeIf(entry -> entry.getKey().contains(elementToRemove));

This will work for you.

public Map<List<Integer>, IInterface> myMethod(int integerElementToRemove){
            .filter(integers -> integers.contains(integerElementToRemove))
            .forEach(integers -> integers.remove(Integer.valueOf(integerElementToRemove)));
    return interfaceByStringList;

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