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One database or several?

I am developing a CRM in Laravel and the following doubts came to me.

Client A will have access to 1 database + 5Gb of emails and Client B will also, but how should I organize this on my server?

Should I create a database called banco_a and another banco_b ? Is there another way?

If anyone can give me a "north" of which would be the best way for this, I will be grateful.

Remembering that my application could reach 100 clients or 1000

According to your requirements you have to implement multi-tenancy system, ie architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers, for detail read this article https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/multi-tenancy ,

In laravel there is package for multitenancy. https://laravel-tenancy.com , which is awesome in my knowledge.

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