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Regex to add a word before an existing word in node

Appreciate any help to write a nodejs regex.

First search for the exact words "ChildBucketOne" and "ChildBucketTwo" and add exact word ParentBucket before every occurence of ChildBucketOne or/and ChildBucketTwo.

I am trying to use one regex.

Input1: webApplication.ChildBucketOne Input2: webApplication.ChildBucketTwo

Output: webApplication.ParentBucket.ChildBucket.ChildBucketOne



You can simply use String replace function of JavaScript

let input1 = 'webApplication.ChildBucketOne';
let input2 = 'webApplication.ChildBucketTwo';

function preprocess(input){

 return input.replace('.ChildBucket', '.ParentBucket.ChildBucket.ChildBucket');



Live in action - https://jsitor.com/IUb7cRtvf

Node.js is basically the same as Javascript, except that it runs on the server.

Back to your question, below is the snippet to find all occurrence of .ChildBucket , and replace them by .ParentBucket.ChildBucket .

 const original = ` # dummy text 1 webApplication.ChildBucketOne # dummy text 2 webApplication.ChildBucketTwo # dummy text 3 ` console.log('--- Original ---') console.log(original) const replaced = original.replace(/\\.ChildBucket/g, '.ParentBucket.ChildBucket') console.log('--- Replaced ---') console.log(replaced) 


You see that I use regular expression (ie /\\.ChildBucket/g ) instead of a string because the replace function will only replace the first occurrence of the matching string by default. Using regular expression with the g modifier will turn it into the global match, which replaces all the occurrence.


--- Original ---
# dummy text 1
# dummy text 2
# dummy text 3
--- Replaced ---
# dummy text 1
# dummy text 2
# dummy text 3

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