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Get enum description attribute from enum in c# using f# extension

I have a problem I have a simple enum with description attribute in c#

public enum Service 
    Unknown = 0

No I have extension in f# that will get me that description and it looks like:

static member inline GetEnumDescription(enum:'TEnum when 'TEnum :> Enum) : string =      

        let attributes : seq<DescriptionAttribute[]> = enum.GetType().GetField(enum.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typedefof<DescriptionAttribute>, false) |> Seq.cast<DescriptionAttribute[]>             

        match attributes |> Seq.length > 0 with
            | true -> 
                let attribute : DescriptionAttribute = enum |> Seq.head
            | _ -> enum.ToString()
        | :? EnumException as ex -> 
            EnumExtensions._logger.Error(sprintf "Exception in getting enum description - %s" ex.Message)

So meta in c# looks like:

public class EnumExtensions
    public EnumExtensions();

    public static string GetEnumDescription<TEnum>(this TEnum @enum) where TEnum : Enum, IEnumerable<DescriptionAttribute>;

Now when i try using this in c# calling :

public string Description => Service.GetEnumDescription(); //Service is set to Unknown enum value

I am getting something like:

Error CS0315 The type 'Enums.Service' cannot be used as type parameter 'TEnum' in the generic type or method 'EnumExtensions.GetEnumDescription(TEnum)'. There is no boxing conversion from 'Enums.Service' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'.

I am lost at this.

As far as I can see, here:

let attribute : DescriptionAttribute = enum |> Seq.head

you're treating enum like a sequence, trying to extract its head. That causes F# to expect enum to be of a sequence type, and thus the emitted C# meta has the IEnumerable<DescriptionAttribute> constraint on TEnum . I guess the line should be

let attribute : DescriptionAttribute = attributes |> Seq.head

I can't get it to work either, but you can rewrite the F# method to:

type Extensions =
    static member inline GetEnumDescription(enum:'TEnum when 'TEnum :> Enum) : string =      

        let attributes = enum.GetType().GetField(enum.ToString()).GetCustomAttributes(typeof<DescriptionAttribute>, false)
        match attributes.Length with
        | x when x > 0 -> attributes.[0] |> (fun a -> a :?> DescriptionAttribute) |> fun a -> a.Description
        | _ -> raise (InvalidOperationException("DescriptionAttribute is missing"))

You'll then get the Description property from the DescriptionAttributes when calling from C#:

  string result = Service.Unknown.GetEnumDescription();

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