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How to unset navigator.webdriver in headless chrome using selenium?

How can i make navigator.webdriver disappear in a headless chrome?

options.setExperimentalOption("excludeSwitches", Arrays.asList("enable-automation"));
The above line can make navigator.webdriver disappear in a non headless chrome.But it doesn't work with a headless chrome.
I found evaluateOnNewDocument from puppeteer that can set that property just before page to load.But how to achieve the same with selenium?

await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => {
  Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
    get: () => false,

The best way is to use older version of chromedriver. Chrome driver version 2.34 with Chromuim browser version 63 dont implement navigator.webdriver property.

i did it.i downloaded chrome version 62.0.3202.45 and the corresponding chromedriver . no automatic webdriver property and allow headless download.

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