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How can I expand a Dict(string, array) in Swift 5

Can I expand the dictionary to an array of pairs in Swift 5 using map/reduce or will I have to do a for each ?

let dict = ["A": ["1","2","3","4"],
            "B": ["5","6","7","8"]]


//result = [["A", "1"],["A", "2"],....["B", "5"],....]
let result = dict.map { (letter: String, digits: [String]) in
    return digits.map { digit in
        return [letter, digit]
}.reduce([]) {
    $0 + $1

This one is shortest solution.

let result = dict.map { dic in
        dic.value.map { [dic.key : $0] }
    }.reduce([], +) 

Here's a solution that doesn't need reduce :

let dict = ["A": ["1","2","3","4"],
            "B": ["5","6","7","8"]]
let result = dict.map { kv in kv.value.map { [kv.key, $0] } }.flatMap { $0 }

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