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How can I make the most efficient Kafka healtcheck control?

I use spring kafka. I want to determine that Kafka is closed. Does the kafka have such implementation? I found various solution. But all solutions that I found I have to write scheduled jobs. Is there a method that shows kafka is closed without writing scheduled job?

Solutions that I can find :

This solution was reverted for the reason exposed in




So, I dont want to use this solution.

public class KafkaConfig {

private KafkaAdmin admin;

private MeterRegistry meterRegistry;

private Map<String, KafkaTemplate<?, ?>> kafkaTemplates;

public AdminClient kafkaAdminClient() {
    return AdminClient.create(admin.getConfig());

@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Can be avoided by relying on Double.NaN for non doubles.
private void initMetrics() {
    final String kafkaPrefix = "kafka.";
    for (Entry<String, KafkaTemplate<?, ?>> templateEntry : kafkaTemplates.entrySet()) {
        final String name = templateEntry.getKey();
        final KafkaTemplate<?, ?> kafkaTemplate = templateEntry.getValue();
        for (Metric metric : kafkaTemplate.metrics().values()) {
            final MetricName metricName = metric.metricName();
            final Builder<Metric> gaugeBuilder = Gauge
                    .builder(kafkaPrefix + metricName.name(), metric, Metric::value) // <-- Here
            for (Entry<String, String> tagEntry : metricName.tags().entrySet()) {
                gaugeBuilder.tag(kafkaPrefix + tagEntry.getKey(), tagEntry.getValue());
            gaugeBuilder.tag("bean", name);

public HealthIndicator kafkaHealthIndicator() {
    final DescribeClusterOptions describeClusterOptions = new DescribeClusterOptions().timeoutMs(1000);
    final AdminClient adminClient = kafkaAdminClient();
    return () -> {
        final DescribeClusterResult describeCluster = adminClient.describeCluster(describeClusterOptions);
        try {
            final String clusterId = describeCluster.clusterId().get();
            final int nodeCount = describeCluster.nodes().get().size();
            return Health.up()
                    .withDetail("clusterId", clusterId)
                    .withDetail("nodeCount", nodeCount)
        } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
            return Health.down()


Another solution that I found:

public class KafkaHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaHealthIndicator.class);

private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafka;

public KafkaHealthIndicator(KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafka) {
    this.kafka = kafka;

 * Return an indication of health.
 * @return the health for
public Health health() {
    try {
        kafka.send("kafka-health-indicator", "❥").get(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
        return Health.down(e).build();
    return Health.up().build();

In two solutions, I have to use scheduled job. Is there a method that shows kafka is closed without writing scheduled job? If no methods available, second solutions is enough to shows kafka is closed?

AFAIK, all Spring health checks are scheduled checks.

I've trusted the first code block you've put in other projects since it relies on a healthy Kafka Controller to return back a list of active brokers. One addition I would suggest is adding a field to the class for the minimum amount of brokers you expect to be part of the nodeCount

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