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can't connect to elasticsearch or kibana running on remote Ubuntu server

Quite a beginner to Elasticsearch and Kibana. I followed the instructions on Docker Hub pages to install them on my Ubuntu 18.04 server. Below are the webpages that I referred to: Elasticsearch 7.0.3 Kibana 7.0.3

After successfully installing the docker images, I can see both containers running on my server: 两个容器都在运行 I can also get right results when curling locally: 局部卷曲elasticsearch 本地卷曲kibana

However, both curl commands showed 'Failed to connect to [my server ip : the port number]: Time out' error if I curled from another machine. Two reasons that I could think of:

  1. Firewall
  2. The server is not listening on the correct ports

So I checked both. Below are the results: 防火墙和端口信息 I could be wrong but everything looks good to me. Any ideas?


I forgot to mention that I am able to ping my ubuntu server because if I type [my server ip address] in my browser, it will give me this 'welcome to nginx' page 在此处输入图片说明

Edit your elasticsearch.yml/kibana.yml files and use as network.host instead of localhost.

To use your curl command,replace localhost by the ip address.

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