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How to convert a string to an array with python?

How to convert a string to an array with python?

I need to convert the value of items to an array.

I tried using json.loads, but it doesn't work.

Only the value of the ITEMS key is in string and it is exactly this value that I need to convert to array

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you.

"metadata": {
        "deleted": "false",
        "low_manual": "false",
        "canceled": "false",
        "items": "[{'descricao': 'ITEM1', 'amount': '200'}, {'amount': '3000', 'descricao': 'ITEm2'}]"

What you're trying to do is called "deserialization". Deserialization is the process of converting from JSON text to an object (in this case Python-Object). Serialization and Deserialization are best done with a library.

Deserialization Python tool:

JSON Pickle Library

What you want to do is install the library and import it into your project. Then, you want to conduct a deserialization of the JSON text by using a command similar to the following:

obj = jsonpickle.decode(JSON text)

"obj" is now an object with the attributes of "deleted","low_manual", "canceled", and "items". I believe "items" will contain an array of objects which you can access through the parent, "obj".


var = "metadata": {
        "deleted": "false",
        "low_manual": "false",
        "canceled": "false",
        "items": "[{'descricao': 'ITEM1', 'amount': '200'}, {'amount': '3000', 'descricao': 'ITEm2'}]"

from ast import literal_eval

stringC = literal_eval(var['metadata']['items'])


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