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How to remove all characters after a certain character using Python 3

I need to know how we can remove all the characters in a string after a certain characters using Python 3.

For example for the string abcd (Read the tnc below!) I need only abcd . I want to remove all what we have in the () .

I can use this Python code for now:

mystr = "abcd (Read the tnc below!)"

char = ""

for c in mystr:
    if c != "(":
        char += c

But that seems to me to be the long and bad code for doing such a simple task. I tried searching online too, but didn't find any help. Does Python 3 have some great regex for it?


You can use re.sub

>>> mystr = "abcd (Read the tnc below!)"
>>> import re
>>> re.sub(r'\(.*', '', mystr)
'abcd '

To remove everything between parenthesis

>>> mystr = "abcd (Read the tnc below!)"
>>> re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', mystr)
'abcd '



我也会使用上面的split解决方案,但是如果您正在寻找正则表达式,它就像^(.*?)\\( - 这将匹配直到第一个开放括号

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