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Remove backslash from JSON string and print value of a key

I am trying to print values corresponding to keys of JSON Key value pairs.

This JSON output is retrieved using event_response and it is shown below. I want to print values of Effect and Action so as to match it with a regular expression and take action. I want to get values without backslash so as to match with the regular expression. I tried replace but it didn't worked

    if "responseElements" in event['detail'].keys():
        event_response = \
        policy_details = json.loads("event_response")

if I understand correctly, then beautiful design without backslash is required. You can use the pprint module:

import pprint
pprint.pprint(json.loads(event_response ))


{'Statement': [{'Action': ['logs:CreateLogGroup',
                'Effect': 'Allow',
                'Principal': {'Service': 'apigateway.amazonaws.com'},
                'Resource': '*'}],
 'Version': '2012-10-17'}

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