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Error in Ansible when modify list items with backslash

I have a list in following format and need to replace commas with backlash but getting error when trying to use replace function.

"sub_keys": [ ",,ps1,printer1", ",,ps1,printer2", ",,ps2,printer1"] expected result: new_list:[ "\\\\ps1\\printer1", "\\\\ps1\\printer2" "\\\\ps2\\printer1"]

i tried the following code:

- name: Convert list set_fact: new_list: '{{ new_list + [item.replace (",","\\")] }}' with_items: "{{ sub_keys }}"

Have you tried:

- name: Convert list
      - "\\\\ps1\\printer1"
      - "\\\\ps1\\printer2"
      - "\\\\ps2\\printer1"

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