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SQL Server Using Case With Two Matching Tables

I have two tables:

  1. Accounts table
  2. Matching_Filter table

Matching filter table contains columns must be matched with same columns in the Accounts table if MATCHING COLUMNS IS SET, where -1 not set value and other value is set value.

Using CASE with WHERE clause was not successful with my code

This is my attempt:

FROM dbo.App_Account_Match_Filter F
INNER JOIN dbo.App_Accounts_Data A ON F.Apm_File_Type_LK <> A.Apa_File_Type_LK
WHERE F.Apm_ID = 1
      CASE WHEN F.Apm_Nationality_LK <> -1 THEN  A.Apm_Nationality_LK = F.Apa_Nationality_LK END

CASE is an expression , it returns a scalar value not a boolean value. You need to use proper boolean logic. Seeing as you don't have a ELSE in your CASE expression it seems you just need this:

FROM dbo.App_Account_Match_Filter F
     INNER JOIN dbo.App_Accounts_Data A ON F.Apm_File_Type_LK <> A.Apa_File_Type_LK
WHERE F.Apm_ID = 1
  AND F.Apm_Nationality_LK <> -1
  AND A.Apm_Nationality_LK = F.Apa_Nationality_LK;

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