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Is there a way to compare a string in an IF statement while comparing integer inputs?

(Sorry in advance if there's a solution I'm maladroitly overlooking.)

Recently I've stumbled upon something that seems somewhat simple, but I can't figure it out. It goes as follows: If I get an input that has been converted to an int once I initialize the value receiving it (Ex. number = int(input())). Then I go on to set up an if statement that has conditions that compared if the input equals a number, is there also a way I can set a condition that compares if the number is equal to a string?

An example of a small test script I created to elucidate on this problem further:

numb_var = int(input("Test "))
if numb_var == 1 or numb_var == **str("test.")**

The bolded portion is something I tried, which ultimately lead to an error I'll get to later.

I tried using a few things:

== str(test)

== "tes"

str(numb_var) == "test"

All to no avail.

The errors just all follow "Invalid Syntax"

Is it truly impossible to do this?

Thanks, Prior-Maxim.

You can do something like this:

var = input("Test ")
numb_var = None
    numb_var = int(var)
except ValueError as e:
    print('cannot be converted to an int ', e)
if numb_var == 1:
elif var == 'test':
    print('Its a string')

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