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C function that returns index of smallest number greater than a given number from an array sorted in increased order

I am translating some code from Python to deepen my understanding of programming. I have got an array P_array with 1000 floating point numbers that are increscent. My task is to write a function that will return index of the first instance where P_array[x] is greater than 720. Here is both python and C code, I got stuck at last three lines of python code.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Initializations

Dt = 1/32                              # timestep Delta t
P_init= 30                             # initial population
t_init = 0                              # initial time
t_end = 30                               # stopping time
n_steps = int(round(t_end/Dt))

t_array = np.zeros(n_steps+1)
P_array = np.zeros(n_steps+1)
t_array[0] = t_init
P_array[0] = P_init

#Eulers method

for i in range (1, n_steps + 1):
    P = P_array[i-1]
    t = t_array[i-1]
    dPdt = 0.7 * P * (1-(P/750)) - 20
    P_array[i] = P + Dt * dPdt
    t_array[i] = t + Dt

index = np.where(P_array>=720)

x = ([x[0] for x in index])
print (x)

C code

int main() {
    int i, j, x = 1;
    float dt, P_init, t_init, t_end;

    dt = 0.03125;
    P_init = 30;
    t_init = 0;
    t_end = 30;

    int n_steps = 0;
    n_steps = t_end/(float)dt;

    float Parray[n_steps+1];
    float Tarray[n_steps+1];

    for (i=0; i<n_steps+1; i++) {

    Parray[0] = P_init;
    Tarray[0] = t_init;

    float P,t,dpdt,s,d;

    while (x < n_steps+1) {
        P = Parray[x-1];
        t = Tarray[x-1];
        dpdt = 0.7 * P * (1-(P/750)) - 20;
        s = P + (dt * dpdt);
        Parray[x] = s;
        d = t + dt;
        Tarray[x] = d;
        printf("%f  %f \n ",s,d);


regarding: *C function that returns index of smallest number greater than given from increscent array`

the following proposed code:

  1. performs the desired functionality

and now, the proposed code:

// C function that returns index of smallest number greater than given from increscent array

#include <stdio.h>

int main( void )
    // assume code to generate array, sorted ascending
    size_t arraySize;
    float sortedArray[ arraySize ];

    // assume code to input target value
    float targetValue;

    for( size_t i=0; i<arraySize; i++ )
        if( targetValue > sortedArray[i] )
            printf( "index into array = %zu\n", i );

thanks user3629249, this is my final code for loop, and it works perfectly.

    "double n = 720.00;
     int m = 0;

     for( j=0; j <n_steps+1; j++ ){

         if( n < Parray[j]){
             m = j;

      printf("%d\n", m);"

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