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Why does deleting an allocated array cause a memory error?

I implemented an ArrayList class for education purposes but I am running into a memory error when deleting the array in my expand() method.

Here is my class and all important methods:

//create array with default size 2
template<class T>
    realSize = 2;
    count = 0;
    data = new T[realSize];

template<class T>
ArrayList<T>::~ArrayList() {
    delete []data;

//adds value to end of list
template<class T>
void ArrayList<T>::add(T val) {
    //if reached end of array, expand array
    if (count >= realSize)
    data[count] = val;

//inserts value at index
template<class T>
void ArrayList<T>::insert(T val, int index) {
    if (!isValid(index)) return;
    //if index is greater than current size, expand
    while (index >= realSize || count >= realSize) {
    //shift values before index
    for (int i = count; i >= index; i--) {
        T val = data[i];
        data[i + 1] = data[i];
    data[index] = val;

//return value at index
template<class T>
T ArrayList<T>::get(int index) {
    if (!isValid(index)) return 0;
    return data[index];

template<class T>
int ArrayList<T>::size() {
    return count;

template<class T>
void ArrayList<T>::expand() {
    //double array size
    realSize = realSize * 2;
    T* newData = new T[realSize];
    //replace data
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        newData[i] = data[i];
    delete[]data; //<--ERROR OCCURS HERE
    data = newData;

Here is some code that will cause the bug

    ArrayList<int>* list = new ArrayList<int>();

    list->insert(2, 1);
    list->insert(3, 2);
    list->insert(4, 3); //<---ERROR OCCURS HERE

The error is a message box that reads

Debug Error!

Program: ...ommunity\\Common7\\IDE\\Extensions\\TestPlatorm\\testhost.x86.exe

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after Normal block (#296) at 0x05D69BC0

CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.

Why would this cause an error occasionally when calling the expand method? As far as I can tell, the array is in expected order when expand() is called (in my example, it is {1, 2, 3, 5} ).

The problem is in the insert method. When you are copying the existing elements up to make space for the new element, you start at element count , and copy data[count] up one slot to data[count + 1] . However, no element has been stored at data[count] and under the correct circumstances the access to data[count + 1] will access past the space allocated for data .

Those circumstances happen with the second insert call. count is 3, realsize is 4, and index is 2, so no expansion happens. Your for loop will then assign data[count + 1] = data[count] , which is data[4] = data[3] . Since data only has space for 4 elements, writing to data[4] clobbers data past the end of the allocated space, which is detected on a later memory operation (in this case, when the allocated space is freed via a call to delete ).

The solution is to start your loop at int i = count - 1 , or decrement it in the condition:

for (int i = count; --i >= index; )

Unrelated, the T val = data[i]; declaration does nothing useful and can be removed.

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