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Prolog constraint for cyclical ascending list

I want to formulate a constraint in SWI-Prolog, using CLP (FD, in particular), that a list is a cyclical ascending list.

By that I mean a regular Prolog list which is taken to represent a cyclical list, such that the list and all its rotations represent the same cyclical list. And the constraint is that one of those rotations is a strictly ascending list.

For example, for 8 variables, I could represent it like this:

cyclical_ascending([A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]) :-
    B #> A,
    C #> B,
    D #> C,
    E #> D,
    F #> E,
    G #> F,
    H #> G,
    A #> H.

except that one of those constraints is bound to not hold, while all the others are to hold. And I don't know/care, which one.

How can this be done?

There are a couple of ways I've thought of defining a cyclical_ascending rule:

  • A list is cyclical_ascending if one of the rotations of the list is ascending
  • A list is cyclical_ascending if either (a) there are no adjacent pairs X, Y where X >= Y , or (b) there is only one such pair and Head > Tail .

I think the second definition leads to a more efficient solution, so I'll try that. We'll keep track of the head of the list, and keep count of whether there was a single

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

cyclical_ascending([]).     % Empty list is a degenerate cyclical ascending list
cyclical_ascending([H|T]) :-
    cyclical_ascending([H|T], H, 0).

cyclical_ascending([_], _, 0).      % List is ascending
cyclical_ascending([X], H, 1) :-    % A cycle of list is ascending
    X #< H.
cyclical_ascending([X,Y|T], H, C) :-
    X #< Y,
    cyclical_ascending([Y|T], H, C).
cyclical_ascending([X,Y|T], H, C) :-
    X #>= Y,
    C #< 1,
    C1 #= C + 1,
    cyclical_ascending([Y|T], H, C1).

Or another way to write it is to avoid the counter but use another auxiliary predicate:

cyclical_ascending([]).     % Empty list is a degenerate cyclical ascending list
cyclical_ascending([H|T]) :-
    cyclical_ascending([H|T], H).

cyclical_ascending([_], _).
cyclical_ascending([X,Y|T], H) :-
    X #< Y,
    cyclical_ascending([Y|T], H).
cyclical_ascending([X,Y|T], H) :-
    X #>= Y,
    cyclical_ascending1([Y|T], H).

cyclical_ascending1([X], H) :-
    X #< H.
cyclical_ascending1([X,Y|T], H) :-
    X #< Y,
    cyclical_ascending1([Y|T], H).

Trying a simple query:

2 ?- length(L, 4), L ins 1..4, cyclical_ascending(L).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
L = [2, 3, 4, 1] ;
L = [3, 4, 1, 2] ;
L = [4, 1, 2, 3] ;

3 ?-

Here is a solution for ECLiPSe, but you can use the same idea with SWI/clpfd. For every pair X,Y of adjacent list elements, we compute a boolean B that is 0 if the pair is ascending, and 1 if it is not. To satisfy your "cyclical ascending" condition, exactly one of the Bs must be 1.

:- lib(ic).

cycasc(Xs) :-
    Xs = [X1|_], append(Xs, [X1], Xs1),                      % for convenience, append the first element to the end of the list
    ( fromto(Xs1,[X,Y|Xs2],[Y|Xs2],[_]), foreach(B,Bs) do    % make a list of booleans that indicate non-ascending pairs
        B #= (X#>=Y)
    sum(Bs) #= 1.                                            % there must be exactly one

Sample run:

?- length(Xs, 4), Xs #:: 1..4, cycasc(Xs), labeling(Xs).
Xs = [1, 2, 3, 4]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 1, maybe more)
Xs = [2, 3, 4, 1]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 2, maybe more)
Xs = [3, 4, 1, 2]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 3, maybe more)
Xs = [4, 1, 2, 3]
Yes (0.00s cpu, solution 4)

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