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How to get a Datediff calculation based on two different case statements?

I have a very long select query but have pasted the relevant pieces here.

I need to figure out how to get the datediff between the OrderSignedDate and the OrderIssuedDate that are each in a separate case statement within my select query. Any help would be greatly appreciated:

select tkh.task_id
,cas.case_number as CaseNo
,cst.description as CaseStatus
,cas.title as Title
,ztt.description as OrderType

--Order Signed Date
,(select (case when 
zrt.description = 'Administrative Law Judge'
and tka.completed_date is not null
then convert(varchar(10), tka.completed_date, 101) END) 
from ecl_task_actor tka
join ecl_resource res on tka.entity_pk_id = res.resource_id
join ecl_z_resource_type zrt on res.resource_type_id = zrt.resource_type_id
where tka.task_id = tkh.task_id
and tka.task_actor_status <> 'D'
and zrt.description = 'Administrative law judge') as OrderSignedDate

--Date Order was Issued
,(select (case when 
zrt.description = 'Order Processor Team'
and tka.completed_date is not null
then convert(varchar(10), tka.completed_date,101)
from ecl_task_actor tka
join ecl_resource res on tka.entity_pk_id = res.resource_id
join ecl_z_resource_type zrt on res.resource_type_id = zrt.resource_type_id
where tka.task_id = tkh.task_id
and tka.task_actor_status <> 'D'
and zrt.description = 'Order processor Team') as OrderIssuedDate

from ecl_task_header tkh
join ecl_case cas on tkh.case_id = cas.case_id
JOIN ecl_z_case_status_type as cst on cst.case_status_type_id = cas.case_status_type_id
join ecl_z_task_type ztt on tkh.task_type_id = ztt.task_type_id

where ztt.description like '%Issue%'
order by cas.case_number asc

It's actually not difficult at all. Your selection looks like this:

select ...,
(...) as OrderSignedDate,
(...) as OrderIssueDate,

The ... denotes that some stuff is there which remains unchanged. Now, let's use this as a table :

select ..., OrderSignedDate, OrderIssueDate, ...,
from (
select ...,
(...) as OrderSignedDate,
(...) as OrderIssueDate,
) t

and at the outer select which is wrapped around your initial select you can use OrderSignedDate and OrderIssueDate as columns and you can datediff them.

I'm assuming you're looking to add this inline to your existing query.

Since the sub-selects that define the two existing dates are correlated to the outer query through their WHERE clauses, there's not a great way to avoid repeating the code. On the other hand, that means it's as simple as just repeating the code. Use the existing sub-selects as the parameters for your DATEDIFF .

This ought to work:

...<The current SELECT list, plus>
    (--Order Signed Date
              WHEN zrt.description = 'Administrative Law Judge'
                   AND tka.completed_date IS NOT NULL
                THEN CONVERT(varchar(10), tka.completed_date, 101)
      ecl_task_actor AS tka
      ecl_resource AS res
        tka.entity_pk_id = res.resource_id
      ecl_z_resource_type AS zrt
        res.resource_type_id = zrt.resource_type_id
      tka.task_id = tkh.task_id
      AND tka.task_actor_status <> 'D'
      AND zrt.description = 'Administrative law judge'
   (--Date Order was Issued
              WHEN zrt.description = 'Order Processor Team'
                   AND tka.completed_date IS NOT NULL
                THEN CONVERT(varchar(10), tka.completed_date, 101)
      ecl_task_actor AS tka
      ecl_resource AS res
        tka.entity_pk_id = res.resource_id
      ecl_z_resource_type AS zrt
        res.resource_type_id = zrt.resource_type_id
      tka.task_id = tkh.task_id
      AND tka.task_actor_status <> 'D'
      AND zrt.description = 'Order processor Team'
  ) AS DaysBetween
... <The rest of the query>

Edit: This should work because those two sub-selects both resolve into dates for each row of data, so we're just reusing those two dates for the DATEDIFF function. It'll add a little overhead, but my guess is that with a query that's already this big, split-second performance isn't necessarily the primary concern.

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