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Parsing special character in thymeleaf text template

I am using Thymelead Text Temaplate, and want to parse special character like single quote, '&' etc. I am trying like [# th:text="${'What''s up?'}" /] but it is throwing following error:

ERROR a.c.s.d.o.h.c.SubmissionController - Exception evaluating OGNL expression: "'What''s up?'" (template: "sample-template" - line 63, col 4)
org.thymeleaf.exceptions.TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating OGNL expression: "'What''s up?'" (template: "sample-template" - line 63, col 4)

Your code is fine. This, for example, works for me:

<p th:inline="text">
    [# th:text="${'What''s up?'}" /]

Possibly there is something wrong with how Thymeleaf evaluates that your code is text.

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