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how to create a generic regular expression so that all group result can be extract in scala spark

We have .txt log file , i used scala spark to read the file. the file contains sets of data in row wise . i read the data one by one like as below

val sc = spark.SparkContext
val dataframe = sc.textFile(/path/to/log/*.txt)

Mainly the data in all logs file is three type like one of them as below

ManagedElement=LNJ05193B,ENodeBFunction=1,RadioBearerTable=default,DataRadioBearer=1 dlMaxRetxThreshold 8   LNJ05193B   dlMaxRetxThreshold  8
ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=DNJ05024D31 enableServiceSpecificHARQ false DNJ05024D31 enableServiceSpecificHARQ   FALSE
ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=LNJ05024D31 primaryUpperLayerInd OFF    LNJ05024D31 primaryUpperLayerInd    OFF

and second type of line are this type

ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=BNJ05024D31,EUtranFreqRelation=5035 connectedModeMobilityPrio 7 LNJ05024D   5035    connectedModeMobilityPrio

and some raw line are as below:

ManagedElement=LNJ05147D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=LNJ05147D11,EUtranFreqRelation=2250,EUtranCellRelation=310260-51992-1 cellIndividualOffsetEUtran 0  LNJ05147D11 2250    310260  cellIndividualOffsetEUtran  0

I try to make a common csv file that contain all of the above record like as below

In all type of line the common part is Mana= and ENF= so to get this is used regular expression like

val regx_first_exp = """"Manag=(\w*).*ENF=(\w),.*""".r

The last two words are the key value can be extract like as below

val last_two = """(\w+)=(\w+[^=])"""".r

and in between i try to extract the value after eqal to( =sign) in different and want to put in different columns if there is no match than simple put null value in the particular columns.

The final out like :

|managedElement|cellFDD    |targetFrequency|targetCell    |paramName                 |paramValue|
|LNJ05025D     |DNJ05025D31|AWS_2087       |null          |threshXHighQ              |0         |
|LNJ05024D     |BNJ05024D31|5035           |null          |connectedModeMobilityPrio |7         |
|LNJ05193B     |null       |null           |null          |dlMaxRetxThreshold        |8         |
|LNJ05024D     |DNJ05024D31|null           |null          |enableServiceSpecificHARQ |false     |
|LNJ05024D     |LNJ05024D31|null           |null          |primaryUpperLayerInd      |OFF       |
|LNJ05147D     |LNJ05147D11|2250           |310260-51992-1|cellIndividualOffsetEUtran|0         |

Is this can we possible in single regex or multiple udf function as much as minimum filter?

I am new in scala, please provide the suggestion for the same. the last column in the image is just for type of rows as mentioned one by one.

Here is one solution that works with 4 different regex expressions using pattern matching with regular expressions as explained here :

val df = Seq(
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05025D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=DNJ05025D31,UtranFreqRelation=AWS_2087 threshXHighQ 0"),
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=BNJ05024D31,EUtranFreqRelation=5035 connectedModeMobilityPrio 7"),
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05193B,ENodeBFunction=1,RadioBearerTable=default,DataRadioBearer=1 dlMaxRetxThreshold 8"),
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=DNJ05024D31 enableServiceSpecificHARQ false"),
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=LNJ05024D31 primaryUpperLayerInd OFF"),
 ("ManagedElement=LNJ05147D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=LNJ05147D11,EUtranFreqRelation=2250,EUtranCellRelation=310260-51992-1 cellIndividualOffsetEUtran 0")

case class LogItem(managedElement: String, cellFDD: String, targetFrequency: String, targetCell: String, paramName: String, paramValue: String)

// 1st type: ManagedElement=LNJ05025D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=DNJ05025D31,UtranFreqRelation=AWS_2087 threshXHighQ 0
// extract 5 groups
val log1RegExpr = """^ManagedElement=(\w+).*EUtranCellFDD=(\w+).*tranFreqRelation=(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)$""".r

// 2nd type: ManagedElement=LNJ05193B,ENodeBFunction=1,RadioBearerTable=default,DataRadioBearer=1 dlMaxRetxThreshold 8
// extract 3 groups
val log2RegExpr = """^ManagedElement=(\w+).*\s(\w+)\s(\w+)$""".r

// 3rd type: ManagedElement=LNJ05024D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=DNJ05024D31 enableServiceSpecificHARQ false
// extract 4 groups
val log3RegExpr = """^ManagedElement=(\w+).*EUtranCellFDD=(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)$""".r

// 4th type: ManagedElement=LNJ05147D,ENodeBFunction=1,EUtranCellFDD=LNJ05147D11,EUtranFreqRelation=2250,EUtranCellRelation=310260-51992-1 cellIndividualOffsetEUtran 0
// extract 6 groups
val log4RegExpr = """^ManagedElement=(\w+).*EUtranCellFDD=(\w+).*tranFreqRelation=(\w+).*EUtranCellRelation=(\S+)\s(\w+)\s(\w+)$""".r

df.map{row =>
  row.getString(0) match {
    case log4RegExpr(me, cf, tf, tc, pn, pv) => LogItem(me, cf, tf, tc, pn, pv)
    case log1RegExpr(me, cf, tf, pn, pv) => LogItem(me, cf, tf, null, pn, pv)
    case log3RegExpr(me, cf, pn, pv) => LogItem(me, cf, null, null, pn, pv)
    case log2RegExpr(me, pn, pv) => LogItem(me, null, null, null, pn, pv)
    case _ => throw new Exception("Invalid format")

And the output:

|managedElement|cellFDD    |targetFrequency|targetCell    |paramName                 |paramValue|
|LNJ05025D     |DNJ05025D31|AWS_2087       |null          |threshXHighQ              |0         |
|LNJ05024D     |BNJ05024D31|5035           |null          |connectedModeMobilityPrio |7         |
|LNJ05193B     |null       |null           |null          |dlMaxRetxThreshold        |8         |
|LNJ05024D     |DNJ05024D31|null           |null          |enableServiceSpecificHARQ |false     |
|LNJ05024D     |LNJ05024D31|null           |null          |primaryUpperLayerInd      |OFF       |
|LNJ05147D     |LNJ05147D11|2250           |310260-51992-1|cellIndividualOffsetEUtran|0         |

As you can see we return an instance of the case class LogItem after matching one of the given expressions.

Two things to notice here:

  1. You should be cautious to keep the order of matching cases as specified above, from the larger (more matches to extract) to the smaller (less matches) otherwise a log4 can fall under the category log2 since there is still a match!

  2. From your examples it seems that EUtranCellRelation contains special characters therefore \\S+ (non space char) is required instead of \\w .

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