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Using Groovy 3 YamlBuilder with Yaml that contains a hyphen

I'm trying to write a Groovy 3 script that uses yamlbuilder to write a yaml file. I have it working on almost everything apart from;


How do I write a map that allows the use of a hyphen in the name? Following my previous work I foolishly tried;

def setprops=[:]

Which gives me an error 'The LHS of an assignment should be a variable or a field'.

If I just use execution.setprops then it works fine, but of course the resulting yaml from yaml(execution) is invalid.

I think if the set-props was aa key/value pair then it could go into quote and everything would be good. But because it is part of the structure I don't know what needs to be done.

You can use strings as "methods" and the builder will create your intermediate structures from them:

import groovy.yaml.YamlBuilder

def b = new YamlBuilder()

b.execution {
        url: "..."

println b

Or to continue on your example: You can create the whole map and use is as argument, where you want to have that content.

def setprops=["set-props": [url:"..."]]

Both result in:

    url: "..."

Note that the first version nests via passed closures and then passes in the map. The second bit just passes a nested map.

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