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Write base64 encoded string as Image with javascript

I am using FFmpeg and html2canvus and trying to create an mp4 video with the screenshots taken from a slider.

here is my worker initialization

const worker = createWorker({
    //logger: ({ message }) => console.log(message),
    progress: (p) => console.log(p),

Then in click, I take the screenshots and putting into the video

const image2video = async () => {
    var zip = new JSZip();
    let selectedbanners = $(".selected_templates:checked");
    await worker.load();
    let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let Processed = 0;
        selectedbanners.each(async function () {
            var dataIndex = $(this).data('index');
            let ad = adTemplates[dataIndex];
            var innercounter = 0;
            $(`.template-container-${ad.name}`).each(async function () {
                var imgData;
                await html2canvas($(`.template-container-${ad.name}`)[innercounter], {allowTaint: true, width: ad.width, height: ad.height}).then(canvas => {
                    imgData = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0).split('base64,')[1];
                    //await worker.write(`tmp.${ad.name}.${innercounter}.png`, imgData);

                await worker.write(`tmp.${ad.name}.${innercounter}.png`, imgData);
                //await worker.write(`tmp.0.png`, `static/triangle/tmp.0.png`);   This is working

I have setup a codepen here . It works if I put the image path but doesn't work if I directly pass the base64 string. Here I found that it also supports the base64 string as well as the URL. This is how it looks in console在此处输入图像描述 Thanks in advance.

I fixed that just changed a line of code.

imgData = `data:image/png;base64,`+canvas.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0).split('base64,')[1];

In this, I just append a data URL and changed the image type from JPEG to png and it worked.

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