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Cannot TLS connect to GCP Cloud SQL(MySQL) using python3

import ssl

sc = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
sc.load_cert_chain(certfile='./client-cert.pem', keyfile='./client-key.pem')

#sc.check_hostname = False

async with aiomysql.create_pool(

I'm getting an error like this.

ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: IP address mismatch, certificate is not valid for 'ip_address'. (_ssl.c:1108)

server-ca.pem, client-cert.pem, and client-key.pem are exported from the connection tab of GCP Cloud SQL.

#mysql --ssl-ca=./server-ca.pem --ssl-cert=./client-cert.pem --ssl-key=./client-key.pem --host=host --user=user --password

This mysql command can be used to access.

I would like you to tell me what the problem is.

Just encountered the same problem. You need to set the parameter check_hostname=False , such that SSL doesn't try to verify it.

ssl = {
  'cert': ...,
  'key': ...,
  'ca': ...,
  'check_hostname': False,

I'm using PyMySQL. You might look into how that applies to SSLContext in your case.

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