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How to decode the unicode string starting with “%u” (percent symbol + u) in Python 3

I get some HTML code like the following:


I know I can find and replace all the "%u" with "/u" in Notepad++, and then paste it into Python console to let it display correctly in Chinese characters. But how can I do it automatically in Python?

Assuming that your input string contains "percent-u" encoded chracters, we can find and decode them with a regex replace and a callback function.

Percent-u encoding represents a Unicode code point as four hexadecimal digits: %u767E767E ⇒ codepoint 30334 ⇒ 百.

import re

def hex_to_char(hex_str):
    """ converts a single hex-encoded character 'FFFF' into the corresponding real character """
    return chr(int(hex_str, 16))

s = "<new>8003,%u767E%u5723%u5E97,113734,%u4E50%u4E8B%u542E%u6307%u7EA2%u70E7%u8089%u5473,6924743915824,%u7F50,104g,3,21.57,-2.16,0,%u4E50%u4E8B,1</new>"

percent_u = re.compile(r"%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})")

decoded = percent_u.sub(lambda m: hex_to_char(m.group(1)), s)


which prints


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