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How do you recreate the arc relationship in the Oracle Database Modeler in Oracle APEX?

I'm not sure how to write out a foreign key constraint in Oracle APEX that will represent an arc relationship in the Oracle Database Modeler.

You can let the datamodeler generate the relational model and the DDL code. Then, open the SQL script editor in APEX, paste in the DDL code, give the script a name, and execute it - see screen shots below.

(example) ERD


Relational model (generated)


DDL code (generated)

DDL 代码

APEX script editor (notice the CHECK constraint enforcing the "arc")

APEX 脚本编辑器

Script executed


You may have to tweak the script a bit (if there are error messages).

Then, you should do some testing, so that you see that the "arc" actually works eg


-- these 3 INSERTs must fail
-- {1} event without a "venue id"
insert into event ( 
  id, eventdate, private_home_id, public_space_id 
) values (
  1, sysdate, null, null
) ;
-- ORA-02290: check constraint (...ARC_1) violated

-- {2} private home does not exist
insert into event ( 
  id, eventdate, private_home_id, public_space_id 
) values (
  1, sysdate, 1000, null
) ;
-- ORA-02291: integrity constraint (...EVENT_PRIVATE_HOME_FK) violated - parent
key not found

-- {3} public space does not exist
insert into event ( 
  id, eventdate, private_home_id, public_space_id 
) values (
  1, sysdate, null, 2000
) ;
-- ORA-02291: integrity constraint (...EVENT_PUBLIC_SPACE_FK) violated - parent
key not found

INSERT some data into the PRIVATE_HOME and PUBLIC_SPACE tables

insert into private_home( id, vname ) values ( 1000, 'The Manor' ) ;
insert into public_space( id, vname ) values ( 2000, 'Royal Albert Hall' ) ;

-- add 2 events
insert into event ( 
  id, eventdate, private_home_id, public_space_id 
) values (
  1, sysdate, 1000, null
) ;

insert into event ( 
  id, eventdate, private_home_id, public_space_id 
) values (
  2, sysdate, null, 2000
) ;

select * from event ;
SQL> select * from event ;

---------- --------- --------------- ---------------
         1 06-MAY-20            1000                
         2 06-MAY-20                            2000

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