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How to convert binary payload (file) to byte[] in java?

I receive json data that contains binary data like that,and I would like to convert that data to byte[] in java but I don't know how?.

"payload": "7V1bcxs3ln6frfdcfvfbghfdX8HSw9Zu1QzzartyhblfdcvberCObjvJpkiJUpmhRI1pKXYeXHRsZLSrCy

In general if you have a String in some object that denotes the json payload you can:

String s = "7V1bcxs3ln6...";
byte [] bytes = s.getBytes();

Other than that if this payload should be decoded somehow then additional code will be required.

Based on the observation that the "binary" string consists of ASCII letters, digits and "+" and "/", I am fairly confident that it is actually Base64 encoded data.

To decode Base64 to a byte[] you can do something like this:

String s = "7V1bcxs3ln6...";
byte [] bytes = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(s);

The decode call will throw IllegalArgumentException if the input string is not properly Base64 encoded.

When I decoded that particular string using an online Base64 decoder, the result is unintelligible. But that is to be expected for binary data.

In my case I had to convert payload that I knew it was a text something like:


This is the difference between java.util.Base64.getDecoder() and getBytes():

    String s = "eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0LCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IngiLCJjaXR5IjoiaGVyZSJ9";
    byte [] bytes = s.getBytes();
    byte [] bytes_base64 = java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(s);
    String bytesToStr = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    String bytesBase64Tostr = new String(bytes_base64, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);




java.util.Base64.getDecoder() worked for in my case

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