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sequelize postgress bulk insert ignore if exist

I have following code

await tbl.bulkCreate(response.data, {
                                ignoreDuplicates: true

in response.data there is array of object.

What I expect it should check all the fields found duplicate do not insert, What I am think it working like if Id exist ignore

I Think this ignoreDuplicates is not working due to id field which is always new for new record

Is there anyway I can say that check certain fields if that exist do not insert else insert


Ignore duplicate values for primary keys? (not supported by MSSQL or Postgres < 9.5) check your postgres version or you can use

{updateOnDuplicate : true}

try with composite key

queryInterface.addConstraint('Items', ['col1', 'col2'], {
  type: 'unique',
  name: 'custom_unique_constraint_name'

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