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How do you print certain amount of results in range by user input using python?

I was trying to create a dice rolling program where the user enters how much a certain amount of dice they want to roll. But it is not working. What should I do?

from random import branding
repeat = True
while repeat:
    amount = input('how many dice do you want to roll?')
    for i in range(0, amount):
       print("You rolled",randint(1,6))
    print("Do you want to roll again?")
    repeat = ("y" or "yes") in input().lower()

I am new to this language, but I love it and I bet you do too, hence I put together an idea based on your code, I certainly hope this answers your question. Keep coding bro, Python is great!

#First, you only need the random function to get the results you need :)
import  random
#Let us start by getting the response from the user to begin
repeat = input('Would you like to roll the dice [y/n]?\n')

#As long as the user keeps saying yes, we will keep the loop
while repeat != 'n':
# How many dices does the user wants to roll, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5  who knows. let's ask!
    amount = int(input('How many dices would you like to roll? \n'))
# Now let's roll each of those dices and get their results printed on the screen
    for i in range(0, amount):
       diceValue = random.randint(1, 6)
       print(f"Dice {i+1} got a [{diceValue}] on this turn.")
#Now, let's confirm if the user still wants to continue playing.       
    repeat = input('\nWould you like to roll the dice [y/n]?\n')

# Now that the user quit the game, let' say thank you for playing
print('Thank you for playing this game, come back soon!')
# Happy Python Coding, buddy! I hope this answers your question.

On the 4th line, you just did input() . However, you need to add an int() function around the input.

This would be your code:

from random import *
repeat = True
while repeat:
    amount = int(input('how many dice do you want to roll?'))
    for i in range(0, amount):
       print("You rolled",randint(1,6))
    print("Do you want to roll again?")
    repeat = ("y" or "yes") in input().lower()

Hope this helps!

  1. You're importing branding from the random module, not randint .

  2. Use int() when calling the input() function, for the range() function to work properly.

  3. In the last line, repeat = ("y" or "yes") in input().lower() , ("y" or "yes") will evaluate to a boolean, and then your check will become something like True in input().lower() which gives incorrect, and bizarre results. Use something like repeat = input().lower() in ("y", "yes") instead.

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