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How to convert 2d array of arrays to array of objects using reduce in JavaScript?

So I have an array of arrays which are rows in a table and I'd like to convert that to an array of objects. I have a columns array so I know what the keys will be, and of course the length is obviously the same. I know how to do this traditionally with a for loop, but was wondering how to do this with reduce or possible another more succinct way.

 let columnArr = ["Name", "Group", "Tier"]; let twoDArryOfArrs = [ ["Fred", "1FAKnock", "1a"], ["Brenda", "2GPvoge", "1a"], ["Francis", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Arnold", "1FAKnock", "2b"], ["Candice", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Larry", "1GTAFQT", "4a"], ["Tony", "2GPvoge", "2c"], ["Ronnie", "2GPvoge", "3a"] ]; function convert2dArryToArrOfObjects(arr2d, colArr) { let obj = {}, resultArr = []; for (let i = 0; i < arr2d.length; i++) { let innerArr = arr2d[i]; for (let j = 0; j < innerArr.length; j++) { obj[colArr[j]] = innerArr[j]; } resultArr.push(obj); obj = {}; } return resultArr; } const output = convert2dArryToArrOfObjects(twoDArryOfArrs, columnArr); console.log(output);

One approach would be to nest a reduction inside of a reduction, where:

  • the outer reduction is concerned with obtaining the desired resultArr and
  • the inner reduction focuses on composing the "per-row" item object that matches columns to row values

As mentioned, the assumption is that the number of columns matches the number of row items in your input 2D array - with that in mind, the following solution should achieve what you require:

 let columnArr = ["Name", "Group", "Tier"]; let twoDArryOfArrs = [ ["Fred", "1FAKnock", "1a"], ["Brenda", "2GPvoge", "1a"], ["Francis", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Arnold", "1FAKnock", "2b"], ["Candice", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Larry", "1GTAFQT", "4a"], ["Tony", "2GPvoge", "2c"], ["Ronnie", "2GPvoge", "3a"] ]; // Cause the resulting array to be logged to console (for snippet) console.log(twoDArryOfArrs.reduce((resultArr, row, idx) => { // Extract item object for result array from current row via // a nested reduction const item = columnArr.reduce((obj, col, jdx) => { // Compose the object by merging row value (at ordered jdx) // to "col" key of current column, into the resulting object // item return {...obj, [col]: row[jdx] } }, {}) //Append the composed item object to the current resultArr that // has been reduced return [...resultArr, item] }, []))

Hope that helps!

you can do it with map this way

 let columnArr = ["Name", "Group", "Tier"]; let twoDArryOfArrs = [ ["Fred", "1FAKnock", "1a"], ["Brenda", "2GPvoge", "1a"], ["Francis", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Arnold", "1FAKnock", "2b"], ["Candice", "67Gruz", "1a"], ["Larry", "1GTAFQT", "4a"], ["Tony", "2GPvoge", "2c"], ["Ronnie", "2GPvoge", "3a"] ]; let arrayOfObj = twoDArryOfArrs.map( el => ({Name: el[0], Group: el[1], Tier:el[2]})) console.log(arrayOfObj)

You don't need reduce , just a simple map :

conv2 = (a2, cols) => a2.map(el => ({
  [cols[0]]: el[0],
  [cols[1]]: el[1],
  [cols[2]]: el[2]

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