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How do I use Repository pattern and Interactor pattern in a Model View Presenter pattern?

I am developing an application with the help of Model View Presenter pattern.

I make use of Retrofit and so I have a ApiClient and ApiInterface with endpoints. I implement the interface in a RemoteDataSource class which I call in the Repository class.

My questions is - how do I make use of an Interactor class to make the repository communicate with the Presenter?

Here is my code until now:


public interface ApiInterface {

Call<ArrayList<Movie>> getMoviesByTitle(@Query("t") String title,@Query("apiKey") String apiKey);


RemoteDataSource class

private static MovieRemoteDataSource instance;
private final ApiInterface service;

public MovieRemoteDataSource(ApiInterface movieApi) {
    service = ApiClient.createService(ApiInterface.class);

public static MovieRemoteDataSource getInstance(ApiInterface movieApi) {
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = new MovieRemoteDataSource(movieApi);
    return instance;

public void getMovies(String title, String apiKey, final LoadMovieCallBack callback) {
    service.getMoviesByTitle(title,apiKey).enqueue(new Callback<ArrayList<Movie>>() {
        public void onResponse(Call<ArrayList<Movie>> call, Response<ArrayList<Movie>> response) {
            ArrayList<Movie> movies = response.body();// != null ? //response.body().getTitle() : null;
            if (movies != null && !movies.isEmpty()) {
            } else {

        public void onFailure(Call<ArrayList<Movie>> call, Throwable t) {

DataSource interface with a callback

public interface MovieDataSource {
    interface LoadMovieCallBack{
        void onMoviesLoaded(ArrayList<Movie> movies);
        void onDataNotAvailable();
        void onError();


    void getMovies(String title, String apiKey,LoadMovieCallBack callback);



 private MovieRemoteDataSource movieRemoteDataSource;

public MoviesRepository() {//ApiInterface movieApi) {
    //this.service = ApiClient.createService(ApiInterface.class);

public static MoviesRepository getInstance(ApiInterface service) {
    if (instance == null) {
        instance = new MoviesRepository();
    return instance;

  public void getMovies(String title, String apiKey ) {

In MoviesRepository you should declare a function with Callback . Your Presenter should implement MovieDataSource.LoadMovieCallBack and pass it when you call MoviesRepository

  public void getMovies(String title, String apiKey,MovieDataSource.LoadMovieCallBack callback) {

Here is Google MVP already done for todo app sample, you can refer it. But now it deprecated because Google recommends MVVM

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