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How to translate a one-line condition in Javascript

I am currently translating a code I made from Python to Javascript.

I would like to know how I can translate to Javascript an instruction like this:

function(arg1, arg2=True if condition else False)

I can't find this specific case on Google.

Many thanks!

Your are looking for ternary operator , it looks like this:

const condition = true;
function(arg1, condition ? "true" : "false")

The logic behind it:

First argument (before?) is the condition, eg:

const age = 18
age >= 18 ? ....

The second argument (after?) is the True statement and after the : is the False statement

? "Above 18" : "Under 18"

Final result:

const age = 18;
console.log(age >= 18 ? "Above 18" : "Under 18"); // prints "Above 18"

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