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How to print a specific item from within a JSON file into python

I want to print a user from a JSON list into Python that I select however I can only print all the users. How do you print a specific user? At the moment I have this which prints all the users out in a ugly format

import json

with open('Admin_sample.json') as f:
    admin_json = json.load(f)


The JSON file looks like this

"staff": [
        "id": "DA7153",
        "name": [
        "department": {
            "name": "Admin"
        "server_admin": "true"
        "id": "DA7356",
        "name": [
        "department": {
            "name": "Admin"
        "server_admin": "false"
"assets": [
        "asset_name": "ENGAGED SLOTH",
        "asset_type": "File",
        "owner": "DA8333",
        "details": {
            "security": {
                "cia": [
                "data_categories": {
                    "Personal": "true",
                    "Personal Sensitive": "true",
                    "Customer Sensitive": "true"
            "retention": 2
        "file_type": "Document",
        "server": {
            "server_name": "ISOLATED UGUISU",
            "ip": [
        "asset_name": "ISOLATED VIPER",
        "asset_type": "File",
        "owner": "DA8262",
        "details": {
            "security": {
                "cia": [
                "data_categories": {
                    "Personal": "false",
                    "Personal Sensitive": "false",
                    "Customer Sensitive": "true"
            "retention": 2

I just can't work it out. Any help would be appreciated.


You need to index into the staff list, eg:


I suggest reading up a bit on dictionaries in Python. Dictionary values can be set to any object: in this case, the value of the staff key is set to a list of dicts. Here's an example that will loop through all the staff members and print their names:

staff_list = admin_json['staff']
for person in staff_list:
    name_parts = person['name']
    full_name = ' '.join(name_parts)  # combine name parts into a string

Try something like this:

import json

def findStaffWithId(allStaff, id):
    for staff in allStaff:
        if staff["id"] == id:
            return staff
    return {}  # no staff found

with open('Admin_sample.json') as f:
    admin_json = json.load(f)

print(findStaffWithId(admin_json['staff'], "DA7356"))


users = [user["name"] for user in admin_json['staff']]

You have two lists in this JSON file. When you try to parse it, you'll be reach a list. For example getting the first staff id:


This will print:


When you use "json.loads" this will simply converts JSON file to the Python dictionary. For further info: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/datastructures.html#dictionaries

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