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Filtering out JSONB array elements containing specific condition in PostgreSQL

I have a table: "events" with jsonb column "logs".

Having events record with following logs:

{state: "something", recorded_at: "some-timestamp"},
{state: "other", recorded_at: "some-other-timestamp"},
{nothing: "interesting", recorded_at: "timestamp"}

I would like to perform this query:

  • select record with logs that have filtered out entries without "state" key

I don't really want to construct WHERE query conditions, I just want to filter out "logs" in returned result.

How to do it?

To get records whose none of logs object has key 'state' , you can use not exists and jsonb_array_elements() :

select e.*
from events e
where not exists(select 1 from jsonb_array_elements(e.logs) x(obj) where obj ? 'state')

On the other hand, if you are not looking to filter out records , but instead want to filter out nested json objects that have key 'state' :

select e.*, x.new_logs
from events e
cross join lateral (
    select jsonb_agg(x.obj order by x.ord) new_logs
    from jsonb_array_elements(e.obj) with ordinality x(obj, ord)
    where not obj ? 'state'
) x

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