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How to Convert a data set from a database query to a specific JSON format for input to a REST api

I am fairly new to python and would like some assistance with a problem.

I have a SQL select query that returns a column with values. I would like to pass the records in a header request to a REST API call. The issue is that the API call expects the data in a specific JSON format.

How can I convert the data returned by the query to the specific JSON format shown below?

Query from SQL returns:


I need to pass these values to a REST API as JSON in the following format:


I have tried couple of options to solve this problem.

I have tried converting the data into json using the pandas datatable.to_json method with the various orient parameters but none of them return the desired format as shown above.

import requests
import json
import pyodbc
import pandas as pd

conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL SERVER};'

cursor = conn.cursor()

sql_query = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT InfoId FROM tbl_info', conn)

print(sql_query.to_json(orient='values', index=False))

url = "http://ldapiserver:5000/patterns/v1/swirl?idType=Info"

#sample payload
#payload = "{\r\n  \"InfoId\": [\r\n    1,2,3,4,5,6\r\n  ]\r\n}"

payload = sql_query.to_json(orient='records')

headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload, indent=4))
resp_body = response.json()

The 2nd method I have tried is to convert the rows from SQL query into an list object and then form the json string. It works that way but I would like to automate is so that irrespective of the query it can for the json string.

import requests
import json
import pyodbc

conn = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL SERVER};'

cursor = conn.cursor()
            SELECT InfoId FROM tbl_info
rows = cursor.fetchall()

# Convert query to row arrays
rowarray_list = []
for row in rows:
    t = (row.InfoId)
j = json.dumps(rowarray_list)


txt = '{"InfoId": ', j, '}'
# print(txt)

payload = txt[0]+txt[1]+txt[2]

url = "http://ldapiserver:5000/patterns/v1/swirl?idType=Info"

# payload = "{\r\n  \"InfoId\": [\r\n    72,74\r\n  ]\r\n}"

#print(json .dumps(payload, indent=4))
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

resp_body = response.json()


Appreciate any help with this.

Thank you.

To convert your SQL query to JSON,

rows = cursor.fetchall()        
# convert to list
json_rows = [dict(zip([key[0] for key in cursor.description], row)) for row in rows]

Then you can return your response as you like

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