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Converting json array value to multiple rows using json_array_elements in postgres

I have a text field named json_col in my postgres (version 10) table. I am trying to expand the two arrays MyArray & impressions into multiple rows using SQL

json_col::json -> 'content'->>'objectID' as objectID
,json_array_elements_text(json_col::json -> 'content'->'MyArray') as MyArrayValue
,json_array_elements(json_col::json -> 'content'->'impressions')->>'intent' as intent
from my_pg_table 

sample data

{   "content": {
    "objectID": "ABC",
    "ObjectType": "MyType",
    "MyArray": [
    "impressions": [
        "intent": "Large"
        "intent": "Small"
        "intent": "Regular"
        "intent": "Medium"
    ]   } }

In the output, i am getting the outer array (impressions) as expected. Also the first array (MyArray) is expanding to multiple rows, but it does'nt create row for each of the record created by the first array expansion.

i am getting output like this.

  objectID  intent  MyArrayValue
   ABC  Large   Blue
   ABC  Small   Black
   ABC  Regular [NULL]
   ABC  Medium  [NULL]

But I am looking for an output as below.

objectID    intent  MyArrayValue

ABC Large   Blue

ABC Large   Black

ABC Small   Blue

ABC Small   Black

ABC Regular Blue

ABC Regular Black

ABC Medium  Blue

ABC Medium  Black

Please let me know if you have any input.

You can try it in this way:

with cte as (
json_col::json -> 'content'->>'objectID' as objectID
,json_array_elements(json_col::json -> 'content'->'impressions')->>'intent' as intent
from my_pg_table 
cte1 as 
json_col::json -> 'content'->>'objectID' as objectID
,json_array_elements_text(json_col::json -> 'content'->'MyArray') as MyArrayValue
from my_pg_table

from cte t1 inner join cte1 t2 on t1.objectID=t2.objectID


Use the function in lateral joins:

    json_col::json -> 'content'->>'objectID' as objectID,
    impressions->>'intent' as intent,
from my_pg_table
cross join json_array_elements(json_col::json -> 'content'->'impressions') as impressions
cross join json_array_elements_text(json_col::json -> 'content'->'MyArray') as MyArrayValue


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