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Check if text file is empty

It's a script to move a file to another directory. How can I implement a checker, that checks if 'LiveryPath.txt' and 'OutputPath.txt' is empty?

import shutil
import ctypes
import time

with open("LiveryPath.txt","r") as f:
    Livery = f.read()

with open("Output.txt","r") as g:
    Output = g.read()

root_src_dir = Livery
root_dst_dir = Output

for src_dir, dirs, files in os.walk(root_src_dir):
    dst_dir = src_dir.replace(root_src_dir, root_dst_dir, 1)
    if not os.path.exists(dst_dir):
    for file_ in files:
        src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, file_)
        dst_file = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_)
        if os.path.exists(dst_file):
            if os.path.samefile(src_file, dst_file):
        shutil.move(src_file, dst_dir)
ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, "Your Livery is now installed!", "Success!", 64) ```

f.read() and g.read() return the content of your 2 files. So you just have to check if f.read() and g.read() are empty, ie if they are equal to '' .

Here is an example code:

with open('file.txt') as file:
    content = file.read()
    if content == '':
        print(f'the file {file.name} is empty.')
        print(f'the file {file.name} is not empty. Here is its content:\n{content}')

I would try this:

import os

if (os.stat('LiveryPath.txt').st_size == 0) and (os.stat('OutputPath.txt').st_size == 0):
   # do something

If you want to check if the file is empty or not, the size of the file can be checked. There can be couple of more options as well but this one is quite handy.

To achieve it the os utility can be used.

Example implementation

import os

def size_checker(filename):
    if os.stat(filename).st_size:
        return False
        return True

Happy Coding!

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