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Check if a text file is empty in Python

I'm writing a program that uses exceptions to handle errors from multiple text files, one of which being empty. If it's empty, I need to print out a statement saying said file is empty. I have tried 'except EOFError', but that's not correct.


 def main():

def process_file(param_str_file_name):

    num_rec = 0
    total = 0
    average = 0

        file_name = open(param_str_file_name, 'r')

        print("Processing file", param_str_file_name)

        one_score = file_name.readline()

        while one_score != "":
            one_score_int = int(one_score)
            num_rec = num_rec + 1

            one_score = file_name.readline()

            total += one_score_int
            average = total / num_rec


        print("\tRecord count = ", num_rec)
        print("\tTotal        = ", total)
        print("\tAverage      = ", f"{average:.2f}", "\n")

    except EOFError:
        print("\tError!", param_str_file_name,
              " is empty. Cannot calculate average\n")

    except FileNotFoundError:
        print("\tError!", param_str_file_name, " File not found\n")

    except ValueError:
        print("\tError!", param_str_file_name, "contains non-numeric data\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Processing file good_data.txt
    Record count =  6
    Total        =  281
    Average      =  46.83 

Processing file bad_data.txt
    Error! bad_data.txt contains non-numeric data

Processing file empty_file.txt
    Record count =  0
    Total        =  0
    Average      =  0.00 

    Error! does_not_exist.txt  File not found

It's just this one little thing to wrap up. Thanks for the help.

Here is a simple way to check if file is empty or not:

import os

size = os.path.getsize('file.txt')

if size > 0:
    print ("The file is not empty")
    print ("The file is empty")

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